
От $65.00

Александр Васильев Концерт в Роквиль

Александр Васильев в Роквиль

июнь 4, 2024, 7:30 вечера

Rockville Senior Center

О концерте Александр Васильев в Роквиль

"BEAUTY IN EXILE" is a story about the time of Russian emigration to Europe after the 1917 revolution and its influence on the fashion of the 20s and 30s. The emigration centers were Berlin, Constantinople, Prague, Paris, and Belgrade.

Here, emigrants could express themselves in artistic and artistic fields, including fashion. Fashion houses and embroidery houses opened. The daughters of immigrants became famous fashion models of that time.

Alexander Vasiliev will also give examples of modern emigration and show the connection between the past and the present. He will tell you how emigrants influence fashion today, bringing their creative ideas and style to the industry.

Alexander Vasiliev is an unsurpassed storyteller and will literally allow everyone to feel the charm and aroma of such distant and, at the same time, so close decades. Alexander Vasiliev is a world-famous theater artist, interior designer, as well as an art critic and fashion historian. In 1980, he graduated from the production department of the Moscow Art Theater School (МХАТ – Московский Художественный академический театр).

He is the creator of sets for operas, theatrical productions, films and ballets - he has designed over 100 productions in theatres in 25 countries. The author of three dozen books, most of which are illustrated with photographs from the author’s collection. Alexander Vasiliev owns one of the largest private collections of ancient and theatrical costumes.

Among the exhibits of his collection are outfits of world celebrities: Maya Plisetskaya, Olga von Kreutz, Jacqueline de Bogourdon, Princess Maria Shcherbatova. From 2009 to 2022, he hosted the TV show “Fashionable Sentence.” Now lives and works in France.

Approximate duration: 2 hours without intermission. Books by Alexander Vasiliev will be sold in the hall's lobby.


Место Проведения Концерта Александр Васильев в Роквиль

Двери открыты: 6:30PM

Возрастное ограничение: All Ages

1150 Carnation Dr, Rockville, MD 20850, USAПросмотреть карту


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июнь 4, 2024, 7:30 вечера

Двери открыты: 6:30PM

Возрастное ограничение: All Ages

От $65.00