Mashina Vremeni


Mashina Vremeni

2877 Fans / 0 Upcoming shows

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Однажды Мир Прогнется под Нас

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Однажды Мир Прогнется под Нас

Mashina Vremeni

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About Mashina Vremeni

Mashina Vremeni (lit. 'Time Machine') is a Russian rock band founded in 1969. Mashina Vremeni was a pioneer of Soviet rock music and remains one of the oldest still-active rock bands in Russia. The band's music incorporates elements of classic rock, blues, and bard's song. Mashina Vremeni's best known members are Andrei Makarevich (founder, principal singer-songwriter, public face of the band), Alexander Kutikov (bass player and producer/sound engineer), and Evgeny Margulis (guitarist/songwriter). Mashina Vremeni started playing during the last years of the Brezhnev era, but could not get official bookings as a professional band. In 1979 Makarevich signed the band up with Rosconcert, becoming legitimate in the State music system.

How much are Mashina Vremeni tickets?
You can find Mashina Vremeni tickets for as low as $0.00. Because prices may increase at any time, we recommend securing your tickets as early as possible.
How to buy Mashina Vremeni tickets?
Browse the above listings of Mashina Vremeni tickets above. Once you find the perfect date and time, click the tickets button to see all available tickets. 
Next, when you’re on the tickets page for the event you want to attend, explore all available Mashina Vremeni tickets by scrolling through the listings or shopping on the interactive seat map. Filters at the top of the page can sort tickets by price to find the cheapest tickets, or best seats. 
EventCartel’s interactive maps offer an easy way to find the perfect seat or section, and to know exactly what you’re getting. 
To buy Mashina Vremeni tickets, click the ticket listing and you will be directed to EventCartel’s fast checkout process to complete the information fields, select available add-ons, such as parking or merchandise, and securely pay for your order.
EventCartel will process your order and deliver your Mashina Vremeni tickets.
For the fastest day-of entry, download EventCartel’s mobile app to access your tickets right on your phone.
How to get cheap Mashina Vremeni tickets?
Get cheap Mashina Vremeni tickets on EventCartel, with prices as low as $0.00
Where can I buy Mashina Vremeni tickets?
You can buy Mashina Vremeni tickets right here on EventCartel. There are a few ways to do it: buying tickets on desktop website, the mobile website or by downloading the EventCartel app from App Store or Google Play store.
Can I trust EventCartel with my Mashina Vremeni tickets?
Yes, 100%. The tickets on EventCartel are sold by event producers, venues, and sometimes the performer’s box office. All of the tickets sold on EventCartel are backed by our 100% Buyer Guarantee.If your event is canceled and not rescheduled, EventCartel will provide a full refund of the ticket price or, subject to applicable state laws, issue you a credit for use on a future purchase.