
You Can Now Sail Around NYC in a Hot Tub

By Stephan Cartello • Aug 16, 2021


There are many ways you can explore NYC from its waterways: by sail boat, by jet ski, by kayak. And now you can add hot tub to that list!

Yes, you read that right. New York jet ski company Sea the City has launched these incredible floating hot tubs — a 40′ boat equipped with two bubbling hot tubs for your sailing-around-NYC pleasure!

The company had them custom-made and launched the experience just last year:

Each tub holds up to eight people, and the tour around the Hudson River, which allows for stunning views of the Manhattan skyline and the Statue of Liberty, lasts 90 minutes.

The boat also includes a large bathroom and separate changing room, and in addition to its USCG licensed Master Captain, a deckhand is on board to assist guests.

The websites says that health standards are consistent with CDC guidelines, and the tubs are professionally maintained, chlorinated spas.

Plus they run through New Year’s Day, so you can enjoy the cold weather while soaking in your toasty tub! Towel and robe rentals are also available.

It’s BYOB (beer and wine) for 21+, to fully embrace that relaxation state-of-mind (coolers and ice are provided). You can also book out the entire thing for a group of people.

images source: Instagram / @seathecity



